Gridustry Platform

Decentralised Energy Solutions

Categories: Product Development

Tools: SUI Blockchain, SUI Move, Vue JS


The problem here is the inefficiency and lack of transparency in the current electricity market, particularly in the context of renewable energy (RE) and creating a more efficient, transparent, and accessible market for RE, enabling consumers to easily choose and use green energy sources. This includes challenges such as:

  1. Difficulty in Connecting Renewable Energy Producers with Consumers
  2. Complex Green Energy Certification Processes
  3. Lack of Decentralization in Energy Markets
  4. Need for Advanced Technology Integration: The energy market requires the integration of advanced technologies like AI and blockchain to improve transparency, efficiency, and the adoption of renewable energy.


Gridustry is a platform for decentralized energy solutions. We are accelerating a new electricity market system and empowering the transition to green energy through our digital solutions, connecting consumers with renewable energy producers around the world.

Includes 3 easy-integrated components:

  1. PowerPPA: PowerPPA connects buyers with renewable producers through PPAs which are the most significant approach to renewable energy investments today, including certification of 24/7 energy procurement based on energy frameworks.
  2. PowerTrade: PowerTrade is an energy trading solution based on blockchain technology and zero carbon energy goals aiming to develop a distributed market for renewable energy.
  3. PoweREC: PoweREC is a tool that certifies 24/7 energy procurement. Green certificates are the only way for consumers to actively choose their energy source and send a message to the market about their energy preferences.
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